instagram posts

Monday, June 24, 2019

Short Girl Hack

Hey beauties! I recently came across a YouTube video on how to cut your jeans to make you look taller & I decided to try it out. This hack is great for those of you on the shorter end, like me (4 ft. 11 in. over here)!

All you need is:

The jeans I have on are from Hollister, I find that their jeans are super comfortable and soft. I actually have two other pairs but I accidentally bought the wrong measurement for this pair. I never ended up wearing them until now since I was finally able to get rid of the bunch that tends to happen around the ankles. I love how they came out !

Check out Milena's videos, I love her! She also does vlogs, family & faith related videos.
Milena's YouTube channel: Milena Ciciotti
Milena's Instagram: @milenaciciotti

Let me know if you beauties try this hack out!

Love Always,

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

5 Things College Taught Me That Weren't On The Syllabus

Hello beauties! I'm here to spill the beans about what I learned throughout my college experience, & I'm not talking about the course competencies that are on the first 10 pages of your syllabus!

Do you, boo boo
If there's one thing I was shocked about during my time in college was that adults are just as immature as children LOL. I always expected everyone to have some sort of maturity when It came college since ... we are not in high school anymore, especially because I was always the youngest student in all of my courses. However, I quickly learned that wasn't the case. Some people, no matter their age, knowledge, point of view, etc. will hate on everything you do. My advice is, ignore the comments, ignore the hate, be the outcast, sit alone if you have to, do NOT settle. You are better off without them, trust me! If you are passionate about your work believe in yourself & create what makes you happy. Stay authentic!

Take it into consideration
Some professors will be hard on you & sometimes, it sucks. I'm always learning to listen to other points of view & take them into consideration.

"Wise people prefer to benefit from constructive criticism rather than be ruined by false praise."
-Shiv Khera

One of my favorite quotes during my college years!
Great people care about your growth and want to see you do better. If a wise person gives you constructive criticism, don't shut down! Take it into consideration. Trust me, you will know who really wants to see you do better & who is really just trying to put you down (hence, my first tip^). be humble & except the advice.

Not everyone shares the same passion
Not everyone in college is passionate about their major. Some people are dealing with life outside of class, some people are distracted, and some people just haven't gotten their wake up call yet. Find people who are just as passionate as you, even if it's only 1 other person. Remember: quality over quantity. One thing that never changes in life is that fact that you will always outgrow some people, even in college. You will outgrow those people who are not as passionate as you. When you find those who share the same dedication to their craft as you, you will see the value in networking and having these relationships. These kind of friendships will drive all parties towards a positive outcome. Growth. 
Never underestimate the importance of your support system.

Don't expect everyone to understand
Throughout your college years you may be too busy for a social life, stressed, frustrated, you may need to quit a job/hobby, you may need to get a 2nd or 3rd job, you may not see your family/significant other as much as you would like, etc. Guess what? Some people just don't get it. I learned not to blame them. Some people just dont' get it or can't relate because they are just simple not in your shoes, & that's fine. I learned to move past that frustration of no one understanding what I was going through. I just kept reminding everyone & myself that this was only temporary. It's just a season in your life.

Learn to take the hint
Don't ignore when your body is telling you when it's time to take a break or make a change. Take a moment to analyze the cause and effect of your negative feelings whether it be physical or mental. For me I had to change my priorities & organization. I had to give myself a bedtime, force myself to better prepare for things, realize that I had to cut certain people out of my life, & had to acknowledge my anxiety. College taught me to be just as passionate about myself as am I to my craft.

To my college beauties: Enjoy your college years! People always told me "high school is the best four years of your life", but I disagree. College was SO much better!

I hope this piece helps you on your journey!

Love Always,

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Life Update

Hello Beauties! A lot has happened since I've last posted so I thought I'd post a life update. 
    • First of all, ya girl has finally graduated college! No more stressing over assignments, observations, and presentations! It still feels weird not having to do homework or go to class. Am I crazy for saying I kinda miss it?!
    • The most exciting news of all is that I've moved! I am now a North Carolinian. I hope you guys are ready for all the #adulting posts that are to come in the new future. Maybe I can post updates as I decorate my new home.
    • As I dive deep into #adulting, I want to incorporate some tips/advice into my blog posts. Although I've mostly kept my blog focused on fashion, I feel like it would be great to share ideas and tips with each other.

I look forward to getting into the swing of things on here. Please stay connected with my through my Instagram @lapetitedemoiselle!

Love Always,

Creating The Perfect Work-From-Home Space

Hello beauties! I thought it would be a great time to share some tips on creating the perfect work space at home as I know many of us ...